Power Of Patience Is Enough For Any Illness

O impatient sick brother! Although illness causes you an immediate suffering, from the time of your last illness until today, the passing of that illness leaves you with a spiritual pleasure and a happiness of the spirit arising from its rewards. From today, rather, from this hour on, there is no illness, and certainly no pain is to be had from nothing. And if there is no pain, there is no grief. You become impatient because you imagine things in a mistaken way.

Because, the physical aspect of your time of illness prior to today has gone and its pain has departed with it; only its reward and the pleasure of its passing remain. While it should give you profit and happiness, to think of past days and feel grieved and become impatient is lunacy. As for future days, they have not yet come. To think of them now and be grieved and display impatience by imagining a day that does not exist and an illness that does not exist and grief that does not exist, is to give the colour of existence to three degrees of non-existence –if that is not lunacy, what is?

Since, the times of illness prior to today produce joy; and since the time subsequent to the present hour is non-existent, the illness is non-existent, and the grief is non-existent; do not scatter the power of patience given to you by Almighty Allah to right and left; muster it in the face of the pain in the present hour, say: “Ya Sabur” (O Most Patient One!) and endure it.

Source: Twenty Fifth Flash: Eleventh Remedy.

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