One time, I was asked the following question by the brothers who assist me: “For fifty days now —and now seven years have passed— (this refers to 1946) you have asked nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely […]
The Flashes
The Flashes Collection comprises thirty-three parts of Flashes which expounding the fundamental truths of belief, and the Practices (Sunna) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), from both individual and social life. Click here to read
Guide for Youth
Your youth will definitely leave you, and if you do not remain within the sphere of the licit, it will be lost, and rather than its pleasures, it will bring you calamities and suffering in this world, in the grave, and in the Hereafter. But if, with Islamic training, you […]
Supreme Sign
The Supreme Signs enjoins man to ponder on the purpose and wisdom for man’s existence. It points to the whole universe and the life of man as “signs” by which to recognize the Creator. According to these “signs” man’s primordial duty is to know God, to believe in Him, and […]
Short Words
This book is comprised of short topics which explain in a simple style profound truths about life, belief in Allah and the Hereafter, and worship. Click here to read
Thirty Three Windows
God willing, this Thirty-Third Letter of Thirty-Three Windows will bring to belief those without belief, strengthen the belief of those whose belief is weak, make certain the belief of those whose belief is strong but imitative, give greater breadth to the belief of those whose belief is certain, lead to […]
Guide for Women
An address to believing women who are considered to be champions of compassion and self-sacrificing heroes of humanity. A Guide for Women explains the demands of her nature and why she should not succumb to certain bad currents of thought and how her duty of sincere worship to God may […]
Read Risale-i Nur
Risale-i Nur Collection
Risale-i Nur Kills Atheistic Ideas
The Risale-i Nur has for thirty years killed at the root absolute disbelief, which destroys eternal life, turns the life of this world into a ghastly poison, spoiling all its pleasures; it has successfully killed the atheistic ideas of the Naturalists; has proved brilliantly with wonderful arguments the principles that will bring […]
Profound Answer to the Criticisms on Risale-i Nur
If you say like those who suppose irreligion to be politics of a sort and in this episode have said: “You are spoiling our civilization and our pleasure with these treatises of yours…” I reply: It is a universal principle accepted worldwide that no nation can continue in existence without religion. […]