O my world-worshipping soul! Does your slackness in worship and remissness in the prescribed prayers arise from the multiplicity of your worldly occupations, or because you cannot find time due to the struggle for livelihood? Were you created only for this world that you spend all your time on it? […]
The wisdom behind the obligation of Zakat and the prohibition of interest
All immorality and instability in the social life of man proceeds from two sources: The First: “Once my stomach is full, what do I care if others die of hunger?” The Second: “You work, and I’ll eat.” That which perpetuates these two is the prevalence of usury and interest on the one […]
Comparing Philosophy and Qur’anic Wisdom in Shaping Society
The training philosophy and science and Qur’anic wisdom give to human social life is this: Philosophy accepts ‘force’ as its point of support in the life of society. It considers its aim to be ‘benefits’. The principle of its life it recognizes to be ‘conflict’. It holds the bond between […]
Your Doomsday Before Doomsday
You have illusions and see the exceedingly temporary world as undying and permanent. When you look around yourself at the world, you see it as stable to a degree, and constant. Since looking with the same view you also consider your own transient self to be constant, you only take […]
Heaven Before Heaven
Belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement. T h e F i r s t : It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of […]
The Meaning of the Prayers
FIRST POINT: The meaning of the prayers is the offering of glorification, praise, and thanks to Almighty Allah. That is to say, uttering “Subhanallah – Glory be to Allah” by word and action before Allah’s glory and sublimity, it is to hallow and worship Him. And declaring “Allahu Akbar – […]
Wisdom behind Karbala Tragedy
Question: What was the wisdom in the tragically cruel treatment those blessed persons (Hadhrat Husain and his relatives) received? The Answer: There were three main reasons for the pitiless cruelty Hadhrat Husain’s opponents displayed during Umayyad rule: One was the heartless principle of politics: “Individuals may be sacrificed for the welfare of the government […]
Allahu Akbar!
O my lazy soul! The reality of the five daily prayers, which are like a sort of Ascension (Mi’raj), are a being received into the presence of the All-Glorious One of Beauty, the Beauteous One of Glory, Who is the True Object of Worship, as an instance of pure mercy. […]
There is no god but Allah
This phrase “There is no god but Allah“ conveys the following good news to the human spirit, suffering as it does countless needs and the attacks of innumerable enemies. On the one hand the spirit finds a place of recourse, a source of help, through which is opened to it the […]
Fasting from the point of view of social life
One of the many instances of wisdom in fasting from the point of view of man’s social life is as follows: Human beings have been created differently with regard to their livelihoods. In consequence of this, Allah Almighty invites the rich to assist the poor, so that through the hunger […]