We shall mention only two, by way of example, of the more than five hundred fruits of theMiraj (Ascension): Firstly, one fruit has brought to the universe and mankind a treasury, a gift of pre-eternal andpost-eternal Light, which is to see with the eyes the truths of the pillars of […]
What was the wisdom and purpose of the Miraj (Ascension)?
The wisdom of the Miraj (Ascension) is so exalted that human thought cannot comprehend it.It is so profound that human thought cannot reach it, and so subtle and fine that the intellectcannot see it by itself. But even if the reality of the instances of wisdom in the Miraj cannot […]
Why is this mighty Ascension special to Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace)?
. . . it is a requirement of wisdom that the Godhead be manifested. And this desire to be manifested is met at the widest level and in the most brilliant fashion by the comprehensive worship performed by Muhammad (UWBP) in the practice of his religion. Also, wisdom and truth […]
If You Love Allah…
The sublime verse, قُلْ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِى يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللهُ proclaims in definite fashion just how necessary and important it is to follow the Prophet’s (UWBP) practices. Yes, among the syllogisms of logic, this verse is the most powerful and certain of the sort called hypothetical or conditional syllogisms. […]
Frugality is far away from stinginess
There is a great difference between frugality and stinginess. Just as humility is a praiseworthy quality superficially resembling but different to the bad quality of servility, and dignity is a laudable virtue superficially similar to but different from the bad quality of haughtiness, so too frugality, which was one of […]
Terrible Aggression and Crime; Unbelief
The All-Wise Qur’an states in miraculous fashion that the universe grows angry at the evil of the people of misguidance, and the universal elements becomes wrathful and beings, furious. Awesomely, it depicts the storm visited on Noah’s people and the assaults of the heavens and earth, the anger of the […]
Behave Justly to Your Brother
A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty Allah weighs up deeds with […]
The Civilization in the Qur’an
The Qur’an, which is a mercy for mankind, only accepts a civilization that allows for the happiness of all, or at least of the majority. Modern civilization has been founded on five negative principles: Its point of support is force, the mark of which is aggression. Its aim and goal […]
Muhammad (PBUH): The Articulate Proof of Our Sustainer
There are three great and universal things which make known to us our Sustainer. One is the book of the universe, a jot of whose testimony we have heard from the thirteen Flashes together with the thirteenth lesson from the Arabic Risale-i Nur. Another is the Seal of the Prophets […]
Masters in Moral and Material Progress
Just as the All-Wise Qur’an sends the Prophets to man’s communities as leaders and vanguards in respect of spiritual and moral progress, so too it gives each of them some wonders and makes them the masters and foremen in regard to mankind’s material progress. It commands men to follow them […]