Western science and civilization had to some extent a place in the Old Said’s thought, so when the New Said embarked on his journeys of the mind and the heart, they were transformed into sicknesses of the heart and were the cause of excessive difficulties. The New Said therefore wanted […]
Why He Never Accepted Presents?
بِاسْمِهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَاِنْ مِنْ شَىْءٍ اِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ This is part of a letter written in response to a gift from his well-known student, Hulusi Yahyagil. T h i r d l y : You sent me a present and want to break an extremely important rule of mine! Just this […]
The Truth
“The light of conscience is religious sciences. The light of the mind is civilized sciences. Reconciliation of both manifests the truth. The student’s skills develop further with these two (sciences). When they are separated, from the former superstition and from the latter corruption and skepticism is born.” Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Literary Aspect
Since early times, poets and writers, thinkers and scholars have been divided into two groups. Some of them regard as being important, only the style and expression meter and rhyme. They end up sacrificing meaning for expression. And this state shows itself most visibly in poetry. As for the other […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Ideas
It is well known that all thinkers have their own systems of reflection, their particular objectives with their thoughts and their ideals, which they hold dear to their hearts. And usually there are lengthy forewords written to discuss their systems of reflection, their aim and ideals. However, Bediuzzaman’s system of […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Scholarly Aspect
The couplet by the late Ziya Pasha: “Actions are a person’s mirror, do not look at his words, The degree of ones intelligence is visible in his works.” Expresses a great truth that will be passed down to generations as a remarkable principle. Yes going into descriptions of the scholarly […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Frugality
Frugality is nothing other than the tafsir and elucidation of the sufficiency mentioned above. And to enter the palace of frugality, one must first enter through the door of sufficiency. For this reason frugality and sufficiency necessitate one another. The frugality of mujahids who follow the path of sufficiency taken […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Sufficiency (Istighna)
The thousands of incidents throughout Ustad’s life, in which he exemplified sufficiency to all levels of society, have now become a testimonial of sacredness celebrated among the people. More than being a habit during his life, he had made it a kind of madhab, a path to abandon all other […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Compassion and Kindness
Ustad found the truth from the time of his childhood, Even during the days he used to retreat into caves to hear the cries of his heart and the prayers of his spirit, he had already become gnostic, who attained the pleasures in worship and obedience, tafakkur and contemplation of […]
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: His Renunciation
One of the most important conditions for the success of a man with a duty, particularly that of a reformer, is renunciation. The eyes and the heart are inclined to scrutinise and watch this important point closely. As for Ustad, his whole life is completely full of brilliant examples of […]