O my world-worshipping soul! Does your slackness in worship and remissness in the prescribed prayers arise from the multiplicity of your worldly occupations, or because you cannot find time due to the struggle for livelihood? Were you created only for this world that you spend all your time on it? […]
Man resembles a delicate child.
Man resembles a delicate and petted child in the universe. There is a great strength in his weakness and great power in his impotence. For it is through the strength of his weakness and power of his impotence that beings have been subjected to him. If man understands his weakness […]
The Unity of Belief Necessitates The Unity of Hearts
O unjust man! See now what a great sin is rancour and enmity toward a brother believer! If you were to say that ordinary small stones are more valuable than the Ka‘ba and greater than Mount Uhud, it would be an ugly absurdity. So too, belief which has the value […]
Power of patient endurance is adequate to every misfortune
As was explained in the First Station of the Twenty-First Word, the power of patient endurance given to man by Almighty Allah is adequate to every misfortune, unless squandered on baseless fears. But through the predominance of delusion, man’s neglect and his imagining this transient life to be eternal, he […]
Winning the Eternal Case: Far More Important Than the World War
One time, I was asked the following question by the brothers who assist me: “For fifty days now —and now seven years have passed— (this refers to 1946) you have asked nothing at all about this ghastly World War, which has plunged the whole world into chaos and is closely […]
Seeking Meaning in Old Age: The Qur’an’s Guiding Light
At the time I approached old age, my physical health, which perpetuates heedlessness, was broken. Old age and illness attacked me in concert. Hitting me over the head, they chased away sleep. I had nothing to bind me to the world like family, children, and possessions. Having wasted the fruits […]
Profound Answer to the Criticisms on Risale-i Nur
If you say like those who suppose irreligion to be politics of a sort and in this episode have said: “You are spoiling our civilization and our pleasure with these treatises of yours…” I reply: It is a universal principle accepted worldwide that no nation can continue in existence without religion. […]
Heaven Before Heaven
Belief in the hereafter is fundamental to the life of society and to man’s personal life, and is the basis of his happiness, prosperity, and achievement. T h e F i r s t : It is only with the thought of Paradise that children, who form almost a half of […]
His is the Dominion
Ownership is altogether His. As for you, you are both His property, you are owned by Him, and you work in His property. It announces the following joyful and healing news: O man! Do not suppose that you own yourself, for you have no control over any of the things […]
There is no god but Allah
This phrase “There is no god but Allah“ conveys the following good news to the human spirit, suffering as it does countless needs and the attacks of innumerable enemies. On the one hand the spirit finds a place of recourse, a source of help, through which is opened to it the […]