O unjust man! See now what a great sin is rancour and enmity toward a brother believer! If you were to say that ordinary small stones are more valuable than the Ka‘ba and greater than Mount Uhud, it would be an ugly absurdity. So too, belief which has the value […]
Wisdom behind Karbala Tragedy
Question: What was the wisdom in the tragically cruel treatment those blessed persons (Hadhrat Husain and his relatives) received? The Answer: There were three main reasons for the pitiless cruelty Hadhrat Husain’s opponents displayed during Umayyad rule: One was the heartless principle of politics: “Individuals may be sacrificed for the welfare of the government […]
Brotherhood of Islam Against All the Enemies
A regrettable social condition and an awesome disease affecting the life of society, fit to be wept over by the heart of Islam: To forget and abandon internal enmities when foreign enemies appear and attack is a demand of social welfare recognized and enacted even by the most primitive peoples. […]
Solution: Islamic Unity
Seeds of Reality, Risale-i Nur Collection
Eid al-Adha and Remembrance of Allah
It was the Eid al-Adha while this ‘station’ was being written. One fifth of mankind, three hundred million people, together declaring: “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar – Allah is Most Great!”; and in relation to its size the globe broadcasting to its fellow planets in the skies the sacred words […]
Your Strong Citadel: Brotherhood of Islam
A regrettable social condition and an awesome disease affecting the life of society, fit to be wept over by the heart of Islam: To forget and abandon internal enmities when foreign enemies appear and attack is a demand of social welfare recognized and enacted even by the most primitive peoples. […]
From Passing Love to True Love
Passing (mecazî) love for things can be transformed into true love, so can the passing love most people have for this world also be transformed into true love? T h e A n s w e r : Yes, if a person who loves with passing love the transitory face of […]