O my world-worshipping soul! Does your slackness in worship and remissness in the prescribed prayers arise from the multiplicity of your worldly occupations, or because you cannot find time due to the struggle for livelihood? Were you created only for this world that you spend all your time on it? […]
How All-Wise Qur’an speaks of the universe?
If you ask: “Why does the All-Wise Qur’an not speak of beings in the same way as philosophy and science? It leaves some matters in brief form, and some it speaks of in a simple and superficial way that is easy in the general view, does not wound general feelings, and […]
Where will the Great Gathering and Last Judgment take place?
The Answer: The knowledge is with Allah alone. The elevated instances of wisdom the All-Wise Creator displays in all things, and His even attaching vast instances of wisdom to a single insignificant thing, suggests to the point of being plain that the globe does not revolve in a circle aimlessly and […]
What is the fruit of Miraj (Ascension)?
We shall mention only two, by way of example, of the more than five hundred fruits of theMiraj (Ascension): Firstly, one fruit has brought to the universe and mankind a treasury, a gift of pre-eternal andpost-eternal Light, which is to see with the eyes the truths of the pillars of […]
What was the wisdom and purpose of the Miraj (Ascension)?
The wisdom of the Miraj (Ascension) is so exalted that human thought cannot comprehend it.It is so profound that human thought cannot reach it, and so subtle and fine that the intellectcannot see it by itself. But even if the reality of the instances of wisdom in the Miraj cannot […]
Why is this mighty Ascension special to Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace)?
. . . it is a requirement of wisdom that the Godhead be manifested. And this desire to be manifested is met at the widest level and in the most brilliant fashion by the comprehensive worship performed by Muhammad (UWBP) in the practice of his religion. Also, wisdom and truth […]
Why He Never Accepted Presents?
بِاسْمِهِ سُبْحَانَهُ وَاِنْ مِنْ شَىْءٍ اِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ This is part of a letter written in response to a gift from his well-known student, Hulusi Yahyagil. T h i r d l y : You sent me a present and want to break an extremely important rule of mine! Just this […]
Why is Intense Love of Immortality Given to Human?
Included in human nature is an intense love of immortality. Even, because of his power of imagination, man fancies a sort of immortality in everything he loves. He cries out from the depths of his being whenever he thinks of or sees their passing. All lamentations at separation are expressions […]
When did Muslims increase in Civilization?
“History shows that the Muslims increased in civilization and progressed in relation to the power of the truths of Islam; that is, to the degree that they acted in accordance with that power. History also shows that they fell into savagery and decline, and disaster and defeat amidst utter confusion […]
What does Salah (Prayer) Stand For?
Prayer (Salah) stands for praising, glorifying, and thanking Allah Almighty. We glorify Him by saying Subhanallah (All-Glorified is Allah) by word and action in awareness of His Majesty. We exalt and magnify Him by saying Allahu Akbar (Allah is the All-Great) through word and action in awareness of His Perfection. […]