All immorality and instability in the social life of man proceeds from two sources: The First: “Once my stomach is full, what do I care if others die of hunger?” The Second: “You work, and I’ll eat.” That which perpetuates these two is the prevalence of usury and interest on the one […]
Power of Patient Enough for Misfortunes of the Present
The power of patient endurance given to man by Allah Almighty is adequate to every misfortune, unless squandered on baseless fears. But through the predominance of delusion, man’s neglect and his imagining this transient life to be eternal, he squanders his power of endurance on the past and the future. His […]
Lesson from the Sickness of Ayyub (Job)
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. When he called upon his Lord saying: “Verily harm has afflicted me, and You are the Most Merciful of the Merciful!”(Qur’an 21:83) The supplication of Ayyub (Job) (Upon whom be peace), the champion of patience, is both well-tested and effective. Drawing on […]
Brotherhood of Islam Against All the Enemies
A regrettable social condition and an awesome disease affecting the life of society, fit to be wept over by the heart of Islam: To forget and abandon internal enmities when foreign enemies appear and attack is a demand of social welfare recognized and enacted even by the most primitive peoples. […]
Frugality is far away from stinginess
There is a great difference between frugality and stinginess. Just as humility is a praiseworthy quality superficially resembling but different to the bad quality of servility, and dignity is a laudable virtue superficially similar to but different from the bad quality of haughtiness, so too frugality, which was one of […]
Behave Justly to Your Brother
A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty Allah weighs up deeds with […]
Sincerity and Divine Pleasure
You should seek divine pleasure in your actions. If Almighty Allah is pleased, it is of no importance if the whole world even is displeased. If He accepts an action and everyone else rejects it, their rejection has no effect. Once His pleasure has been gained and He has accepted an […]
Using obstinacy in a better way!
Man also displays intense ambition for possessions and position, then he sees that the transient property which has been put temporarily under his supervision, and calamitous fame and position, which are dangerous and lead to hypocrisy, are not worth such intense ambition. He turns away from them towards spiritual rank […]
3 kinds of patience
And so, my impatient soul! You are charged with being patient in three respects. One is patience in worship. Another is patience in refraining from sin. And a third is patience in the face of disaster. If you are intelligent, take as your guide the truth apparent in the comparison in […]
Regret or Thanks
Whenever one thinks of his past life, he will say in his heart or with his tongue either “Ah!” or “Oh!”. That is he will either experience regret, or say “Thanks and praise be to Allah!”. Regret is inspired by the pains arising from the cessation of former pleasures and separation from them. For […]