The training philosophy and science and Qur’anic wisdom give to human social life is this: Philosophy accepts ‘force’ as its point of support in the life of society. It considers its aim to be ‘benefits’. The principle of its life it recognizes to be ‘conflict’. It holds the bond between […]
Seeking Meaning in Old Age: The Qur’an’s Guiding Light
At the time I approached old age, my physical health, which perpetuates heedlessness, was broken. Old age and illness attacked me in concert. Hitting me over the head, they chased away sleep. I had nothing to bind me to the world like family, children, and possessions. Having wasted the fruits […]
How All-Wise Qur’an speaks of the universe?
If you ask: “Why does the All-Wise Qur’an not speak of beings in the same way as philosophy and science? It leaves some matters in brief form, and some it speaks of in a simple and superficial way that is easy in the general view, does not wound general feelings, and […]
Profound Answer to the Criticisms on Risale-i Nur
If you say like those who suppose irreligion to be politics of a sort and in this episode have said: “You are spoiling our civilization and our pleasure with these treatises of yours…” I reply: It is a universal principle accepted worldwide that no nation can continue in existence without religion. […]
Why is this mighty Ascension special to Muhammad the Arabian (Upon whom be blessings and peace)?
. . . it is a requirement of wisdom that the Godhead be manifested. And this desire to be manifested is met at the widest level and in the most brilliant fashion by the comprehensive worship performed by Muhammad (UWBP) in the practice of his religion. Also, wisdom and truth […]
Qur’an Brings Real Happiness
Western science and civilization had to some extent a place in the Old Said’s thought, so when the New Said embarked on his journeys of the mind and the heart, they were transformed into sicknesses of the heart and were the cause of excessive difficulties. The New Said therefore wanted […]
Behave Justly to Your Brother
A satanic wile corrupting the life of society is this: not to see all the virtues of a believer on account of a single bad point. Those unjust people who heed this wile of Satan are in this way inimical to believers. However, when Almighty Allah weighs up deeds with […]
Du’a For Happiness in This Life and Next
Whoever makes this fleeting life his purpose and aim is in fact in Hell even if apparently in Paradise. And whoever is turned in all seriousness towards eternal life receives the happiness of both worlds. However difficult and distressing this world is for him, since he sees it as the […]
The Civilization in the Qur’an
The Qur’an, which is a mercy for mankind, only accepts a civilization that allows for the happiness of all, or at least of the majority. Modern civilization has been founded on five negative principles: Its point of support is force, the mark of which is aggression. Its aim and goal […]
Solution: Islamic Unity
Seeds of Reality, Risale-i Nur Collection